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Providers in Your Area
Our plan is currently not available in VT and WA
Note: This plan is in the Careington POS network. When contacting a provider to verify plan acceptance, let them know your plan is in the Careington POS network.
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Dental Procedure Savings
Want to see how much a dental procedure will cost? Our dental discount plan offers pre-negotiated fees at participating dentists, on a wide range of dental procedure including cleanings, diagnostic exams, x-rays, fillings, crowns, root canals, and more.
Use the table below to see costs for common dental procedures in your area. To see all procedures costs for your zip code, click here
Dental Procedure
Normal Cost*
Discounted Cost**
Your Savings***
*Normal Cost is determined using the American Dental Association (ADA) 2022 nationwide survey of dental fees. Normal fees charged by your provider may vary.
**Discounted Cost is the discounted procedure fee for participating general dentistry providers.
*** Your savings are calculated by comparing nationwide Normal Cost to local Discounted Cost. Actual savings may vary based on your provider’s normal fees.
Our Pricing
Know your fees before visiting and get 20 % to 50% discounts on regularly priced services. You can also get flexibility by paying dental costs monthly through Paytient with the Alpha Dental Discount Plan fit for your needs.
Individual Plan
You are a couple clicks away from getting the dental discounts you need.
Two Person Plan
Both of you need dental discounts? Coming right up!
Family Plan
Your household is one step away from saving on dental costs.
Individual Plan
You are a couple clicks away from getting the dental discounts you need.
Two Person Plan
Both of you need dental discounts? Coming right up!
Family Plan
Your household is one step away from saving on dental costs.